Let's plant trees for a better world!

Every single tree counts!
For all humans, animals and our planet
We love nature.  With Vita® Planet - our sustainability initiative - we are actively committed to the climate.
As a partner of Plant-for-the-Planet, we support their goal of planting
1 trillion trees worldwide. 

Why trees?
Trees bind CO2 cheaply and effectively. Even a single tree binds up to 10 kg CO2 per year!
A large reforestation project can therefore help to mitigate the climate crisis.

Because every tree gives children a future!

What is Plant-for-the-Planet?

Plant-for-the-Planet is a children and youth initiative, which was brought to life in 2007 by the then 9-year-old Felix Finkbeiner. The goal is to train one million children and young people as ambassadors for climate justice, who will then motivate people around the world to plant 1,000 billion trees through lectures and actions.

Where are the trees planted?

Plant-for-the-Planet plants the trees on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, on land owned by Plant-for-the-Planet's Mexican sister organization. The foundation's own planting area of 22,500 hectares is scientifically monitored by the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich.

Which tree species are planted?

Nine different tree species of precious woods from the mahogany family, almond trees, white rubber trees, trumpet trees as well as various useful and fruit trees are mixed and planted

Why Yucatán and not Germany?

Trees in countries in the south grow about two to four times faster than in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, for example, and thus bind higher amounts of CO2 more quickly. Trees also create long-term jobs in countries of the South: On the Yucatán peninsula, more than 500 people already live off the wages that Plant-for-the-Planet pays the more than 100 forestry workers, which are above the average for forest workers.

Does Plant-for-the-Planet have enough capacity to plant all donated trees?

Yes, with over 100 forestry workers, Plant-for-the-Planet plants several million trees each year and takes care of those already planted. Every year, additional workers are hired from the region. In the short term, at least 100 million trees are to be planted on the Yucatán Peninsula.

Vitakraft-Trees already planted

Be a part and plant with us!

Plant trees now!

Plant with us! Explore tree planting projects from around the world in the Plant-for-the-Planet app. Help plant trees - anytime and anywhere. It has never been so easy to protect the climate and do good.

With 1000 billion new trees, we could bind a quarter of man-made CO2 emissions and create prosperity in the Global South. Plant the Vitakraft Forest with us.


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